What is a servant and if we consider ourselves servants of the Most High, do we hold attitudes as such? In various church circles one will hear someone refer to a preacher or prophet as a ‘servant of the Lord’, but do we really act like it or grasp its meaning? When I think of a good servant, I think of one who obeys all his master’s commands and does so in proper attitude.
Firstly, do I actually obey the commands He has given me? I know there are many specifics concerning His will for my life that I have yet to discover, but that doesn’t leave me without responsibilities each day. He has spoken in His Word what is good and what He has required of me (reference to Micah 6:8). Also the blessings and gifts He has given me are not without obligation since to whom much is given, much is required (reference to Luke 12:48). Hence, I have no time to be lazy and useless as the Master does have need of me.
Next is my attitude concerning my work, am I cheerful concerning the tasks at hand and I do I give glory and praise to God? Or do I mumble and complain about what I am doing or what I have yet to do? Do I obey quickly or do I procrastinate and question Him? Do I serve in humility knowing that what I am doing is merely what I am required? After all, a master doesn’t give the servant special praise merely for carrying out the expected work (reference to Luke 17:9-10).
There are many references to servants within the parables of Master Y’shua and He does not mince words. There are faithful servants, lazy servants, vengeful servants, sly servants, financially wise servants, complaining servants, and even wicked servants. Yet they all have something in common – they are considered servants. This is key because the servant signifies believers, those in the kingdom.
Being a servant of the Most High requires much – it requires my whole life, mind soul and body. But who could ask for a better Master? He is THE Best! Today’s culture as a whole does not correctly understand or embrace the concept of servitude, there is nothing shaming about being a servant. There is actually nothing greater than being a servant, even slave, to the most loving and good Master. I only pray that I too can be a faithful servant, obedient in actions and in my heart of hearts.
Master YHWH, I pray that I am faithful to You in all matters. I desire to be faithful in all the blessings You have given to me. I also pray that I am faithful in obeying Your commandments as described in Torah. And I pray that as Your will and direction for my life unfolds, that I will be faithful in that as well. You are so good and I want to serve You well, so that You are glorified. It's not about making myself look good before men, but rather giving glory to Your name. Help me to be faithful, each and every day. Amein.
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